If you are applying for a home loan of any kind, there is a high likelihood that your lender will require a home appraisal. An appraisal is done to figure out how much your home is actually worth because the lender does not want to lend you more money than you could theoretically sell the home for in the future. There are some situations where the lender might be fine with a drive/by appraisal. What does this mean? Comparing A Traditional Appraisal To A Drive By Appraisal A traditional appraisal … [Read more...]
The Top Things To Know When Refinancing Your Home
If you are thinking about refinancing your home in the near future, you probably know that this is a great way to shorten the term of your mortgage while also saving money. At the same time, refinancing your home does not come without risks. Take a look at some of the top things you should do and what to avoid before you go through the refinancing process. Do Check Your Credit Score Always check your credit score before you begin the refinancing process. A surprising number of credit reports … [Read more...]
Can I Qualify for a Mortgage After Declaring Bankruptcy? Yes — and Here’s How
It may feel like a very daunting task to consider buying a home after you've declared bankruptcy, and there's no doubt that it's an uphill battle. Fortunately, while you'll have hard work ahead, there are things you can do in order to make your dream of home ownership a possibility. Whether you've just declared bankruptcy or some time has passed, here are some things you should consider before getting into the market. Wait It Out It might not be what you want to hear, but it's, unfortunately, … [Read more...]
A Home Loan For an AirBnB Property: What To Know
If you are looking for a way to diversify your investments, you might be thinking about buying a rental property. One of the most common rental options is AirBnB. Given the number of people who use AirBnB, this could be a great way to generate a steady stream of short-term renters. On the other hand, can you take out a loan to buy an AirBnB property? There Are No Mortgages Specifically For AirBnB Properties First, understand that there are no home loans available … [Read more...]
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