If you are in the process of purchasing a home, it is critical for you to make sure that you budget appropriately. Unfortunately, there are a lot of people who commonly overlook closing expenses. Even though it is important for you to have enough money for your down payment, you need to make sure you cover closing costs as well. What is included in closing costs, and how much money do you need to budget? The Recommended Amount Even though it is tempting to focus on the cost of your house, it is … [Read more...]
Overcoming Anxiety as a First-Time Home Buyer
There are many people who are thinking about buying a home for the first time. Even though this is an exciting experience, there are also people who develop anxiety when purchasing a home. This is a major financial decision, and it is critical to get it right. What do people need to do if they want to overcome anxiety as first-time homebuyers? Maximize The Credit Score Before applying for a home loan, everyone should maximize their credit score. Everyone has the right to request one free credit … [Read more...]
Worried About Mortgage Rates Going Up? 3 Steps to Prepare Yourself Financially
Mortgage rates have been at record lows for quite some time, making it easy for new homebuyers to finance their dream homes. But what comes down will eventually go back up, and with the world economy expected to rebound in 2016, we're about to start seeing more expensive mortgages. So what can you do to prepare yourself before mortgage rates start to rise? Here are three strategies that will keep you ahead of the game. Start Saving More Money Now If you have a variable rate mortgage, you've … [Read more...]
How Much Will Your Child Tax Credit Be?
There are millions of homeowners that are parents waiting for their advance child tax credits to arrive; however, they might not be sure exactly how much money they are going to get. This makes it difficult to set a budget. Some parents could expect to receive $300 per month between now and December. The rest of the credit should arrive after filing their tax returns next year. How much will parents receive? The Process Of Calculating A Child Tax Credit Because of recent changes in federal tax … [Read more...]