If you find it difficult to make ends meet, these tips will help you save money in ways that are easy to do and create substantial savings over time. Declutter Get rid of stuff you do use or need by having a garage or yard sale or by putting things for sale on eBay or Craigslist. Make Your Own Coffee Do you really want to make that billionaire richer by buying coffee for $5+ a cup? Make your own gourmet coffee that costs around 50 cents per cup for the same thing. Bring Your Own Lunch Making … [Read more...]
Real Estate Investing 101: Identify Your Investing Style
Are you just starting on your real estate investing journey? Many newcomers are surprised to learn that there's more to making money on the real estate market than buying and selling. These are some of the most popular strategies real estate investors use to create profits. Which one is right for you? Buy And Hold Buy and hold investors play the market like stocks. They buy properties when prices are low, then hold them until values are high. During the holding period, some investors choose to … [Read more...]
3 Pros And Cons Of Renting Or Owning A Home
Home ownership is highly valued in our culture. However, buying a home isn't the best decision for everyone. Examine the differences between owning and renting your home to help you decide if now is the time to buy. Effect On Flexibility Renters enjoy more freedom than homeowners. After the leasing period ends, renters are free to walk away and find a new place to live. Homeowners, on the other hand, are at the mercy of the market. Depending on the conditions, owners might have a hard time … [Read more...]
3 Ways to Reduce the Environmental Impact of Your Home Renovation Project
The right home renovation strategy can increase property values and improve the comfort and utility of your space. However, your actions could have a harsh impact on our natural resources. Here are several ways you can reduce your renovation's effect on the environment. Use Sustainable Products Choose Earth-friendly materials for a greener build. Try reclaimed flooring. Ask permission at construction sites or search internet exchange boards to find unwanted extras. With a little artistic … [Read more...]
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