Purchasing a home is often considered an important step in one's financial life, no matter what point you arrive at it, but there are things you should know about financing your home purchase before stepping into the fray. If you're planning on buying a home soon and want to avoid some major missteps, here are a few tips that will set you up for success. Taking The Lender You're Offered In the event that you've been pre-qualified for a certain amount, you'll want to find a lender that will make … [Read more...]
Can You Refinance into a VA Mortgage from Another Type of Mortgage? Yes, If You Qualify
VA mortgages stand out as one of the biggest benefits to men and women serving in the military. Although private lenders make the loan, the Department of Veterans Affairs guarantees all VA mortgages, which is why these loans come with favorable terms and benefits not found with other mortgage types. The Benefits Of Refinancing To A VA Mortgage A VA loan may very well be the borrower's only option for putting no money down, as many lenders will cover 100% of the value of the home, thanks to the … [Read more...]
Save Some Additional Cash with Our Guide to Lowering Your Monthly Mortgage Payment
If you are like many other homeowners, your home mortgage payment is the single largest expense in your monthly budget. This is a fixed expense that you will typically be responsible for until your loan is paid in full or until you sell your home, and you may have a 15, 20 or even 30 year term on your mortgage. If your home mortgage payment has become unaffordable or burdensome for you to manage with your current financial situation, rest assured that you may be able to save some additional cash … [Read more...]
Making Sure You Are Ready To Take On A Mortgage
There is so much to know when it comes to homeownership that even wading into all of the information can seem overwhelming, but if there's one thing you need when the time comes to purchasing a home, it's to be prepared. Here are a few ways that you can ensure you're ready for what a mortgage entails so that buying your dream home will be a positive experience you won't regret. Consider All Of Your Options Instead of accepting the mortgage that your bank is offering you, it's very important to … [Read more...]
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