Purchasing a home is often considered an important step in one's financial life, no matter what point you arrive at it, but there are things you should know about financing your home purchase before stepping into the fray. If you're planning on buying a home soon and want to avoid some major missteps, here are a few tips that will set you up for success. Taking The Lender You're Offered In the event that you've been pre-qualified for a certain amount, you'll want to find a lender that will make … [Read more...]
Struggling to Get Approved Because of Your Income? 5 Reasons to Consider a FHA Loan
Buying a home isn't cheap. But if you're determined to become a homeowner, the FHA home loan program can help. This loan program, ideal for first-time buyers with low incomes, can help you to build your credit and make home ownership a reality. So why should you consider an FHA loan? Here are just a few ways you'll benefit from these government-backed mortgages. You Can Get Approved With Just 3.5% Down Traditional mortgage lenders typically require you to pay 20% down on your mortgage, or 5% if … [Read more...]
The Do’s and Don’ts of Getting Approved for a Mortgage Quickly
If you're ready to buy a home, getting approved for a mortgage is a critical step that you can't skip or rush. And although it may seem like the lenders can be a bit arbitrary in their approvals, there's actually a detailed set of criteria they look for when approving or denying an application. So how can you ensure your mortgage gets approved quickly and without any hassles? Here's what you need to know. Do: Have All Your Documents In Order Right Away Processing the paperwork on a mortgage … [Read more...]
Have You Been Denied for a Mortgage? Here Are 3 Reasons Why You’ll Want to Keep Trying
If you're in the market for a new home, you'll most likely need a mortgage in order to afford it. But for some home buyers, getting a mortgage isn't easy. Banks and other lenders are often hesitant to lend money to certain consumers, often for good reason. But sometimes, lenders' reasons for declining you aren't entirely valid. That's why, if you've been denied for a mortgage, you'll want to keep trying to get mortgage funds. Here are three factors that can influence the likelihood of approval … [Read more...]