With the new year right around the corner, that leaves you with precious little time to get your finances in order. Let's explore a few tips that will help you get a jump on improving your credit score before the end of the year. Grab A Fresh Copy The first step is to order a fresh copy of your credit report from one of the major agencies. The Fair Credit Reporting Act allows you to access a free copy of your credit report once every 12 months. So, if you have not ordered a copy recently, it is … [Read more...]
How to Use a Mortgage to Buy a Home After Going Through a Bankruptcy
While it is sometimes the best option to get your finances repaired, the bankruptcy and following discharge period can be tough. However, while it may delay things for a couple of years, the good news is that even a bankruptcy won't stop you from borrowing a mortgage to buy a home. In today's article, we will share some insight into how you can get a mortgage loan after going through bankruptcy. Step 1: Get A Professional Credit Assessment Once your Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy has been … [Read more...]
Speed up Your Mortgage Closing Process With This Handy Four-step Guide
Are you in the market for a new house or apartment? If you are financing the purchase by taking out a mortgage, you'll want to know how to make this transaction run as smooth as possible. In today's article, we'll share a quick four-step guide to speeding up the mortgage closing process. Step #1: Check In On Your Credit Score The first step before applying for your mortgage is to check in on your credit. Request a copy of your credit score and history from one of the major reporting firms. Go … [Read more...]
Man Vs. Machine: Why Using a Human Mortgage Professional Is Better Than Trusting an App
Are you currently house-hunting or plan to be in the near future? If you plan on using mortgage financing to pay for your home, you will soon discover that there's no shortage of options available to you. You can meet with a local mortgage professional, apply for mortgages online and even download mobile apps that promise to set you up with a mortgage. However, is every option equal? Let's explore why, in the epic battle of man versus machine, you will want to place your trust in a human … [Read more...]
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