When applying for financing, lenders want to make sure the client is going to pay back the balance of the loan. Therefore, they will look into pre-existing debt including credit card debt, student loans, car payments, and back taxes. Sometimes, applicants have IRS installment agreements. This is an agreement consumers make with the IRS to pay taxes over an extended timeframe. How might this impact someone's ability to apply for home financing? IRS Installment Agreements Count Against The … [Read more...]
How To Find The Right Home Insurance Coverage For You And Your Family
Those who are taking out a loan for a home will probably be required by the lender to purchase home insurance. Even those who don’t need a loan will still need to make sure that they protect their property accordingly with a comprehensive home insurance policy. This is important for making sure homeowners have the money to replace their belongings and repair their property in the event of a disaster. At the same time, homeowners do not want to spend more than they must for a home insurance … [Read more...]
A Complete Guide: What Is A Credit Freeze And Why Is This Helpful?
Due to recent changes in federal regulations, consumers are now allowed to freeze their credit free of charge. Prior to changes in these regulations, credit bureaus would charge consumers for freezing their credit. What does this mean, and why might someone want to do this? Freezing Credit Restricts Access To Confidential Information There are certain situations where consumers may need to have access to their credit reports. For example, they may be applying for a home loan or a car loan. There … [Read more...]
The Process Of Estimating Property Values
Property values are a moving target. They are important to buyers and sellers because everyone wants to get the best deal possible. Sellers want to get as much money for their investment while buyers do not want to overpay for a home. There are a lot of factors that play a role in property values including the economy, the number of people looking for homes, new home construction, schools, the job market, and more. How do real estate agents estimate the value of a home? How Much Will Someone Pay … [Read more...]
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