When you are considering purchasing a home, understanding the lending guidelines regarding a down payment is important. Here are a few key tips to consider: Gifting of a Down Payment There are some programs that will allow you to use a gift for your home down payment. However, before you assume this, make sure you talk to your loan officer. Generally speaking, the lender will require the person making the gift to provide a letter stating the money was a gift and does not require repayment. … [Read more...]
White Lies That Could Make It Harder To Buy A Home
Right now, the real estate market is very competitive, and you might be tempted to use a few white lies to make your offer seem more competitive. No matter how much you want to purchase a home, you need to make sure you are completely honest and open when you go through the process from start to finish. What or a few examples of common white lies that people tell that could jeopardize your application or your mortgage as a whole? Lying About Your Primary Residence If you plan on living in the … [Read more...]
Rebuilding Costs: Rethinking How Much Homeowners Insurance You Really Need
Buying a home comes with numerous financial planning obligations. It's far from a turn-key operation and one of the significant challenges involves developing a working knowledge about things often outside your area of expertise. For example, working as an educator, police officer, investment banker or office staffer does not necessarily make you an expert about home repairs or insurance coverage. Yet, the average homeowner is tasked with carrying a certain level of homeowners insurance coverage … [Read more...]
An Overview Of A Wrap-Around Mortgage: What To Know
Are you having a difficult time qualifying for a traditional mortgage in the current market? If so, there are other options available, and a lack of financing can frustrate not only the buyer but the seller as well. For example, one option that you may have heard about is called a wrap-around mortgage. The entire goal of this mortgage is to help the buyer get financing to purchase the house while making sure the seller still turns a profit. What do you need to know about a wrap-around … [Read more...]
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