What Steps Need To Be Taken To Secure A Loan You’ll see some pictures in this video to help you remember later, but the first step in securing a loan is to complete a loan application. To do so, you'll need the following information. Pay stubs for the past 2-3 months. W-2 forms for the past 2 years. Information on long-term debts. Recent bank statements tax returns for the past 2 years. Proof of any other income. Address and description of the property you wish to buy. A sales contract on … [Read more...]
Video: Are There Special Mortgages For First-Time Homebuyers?
Yes. Like the video shows, lenders now offer several affordable mortgage options which can help first-time homebuyers overcome obstacles that made purchasing a home difficult in the past. Lenders may now be able to help borrowers who don't have a lot of money saved for the down payment and closing costs, have no or a poor credit history, have quite a bit of long-term debt, or who have experienced income irregularities. … [Read more...]
How Are Pre-Qualifying And Pre-Approval Different?
How Are Pre-Qualifying And Pre-Approval Different? Watch this video and it'll make sense. Pre-qualification is an informal way to see how much you maybe able to borrow. You can be 'pre-qualified' over the phone with no paperwork by telling a lender your income, your long-term debts and how large a down payment you can afford. Without any obligation, this helps you arrive at a ballpark figure of the amount you may have available to spend on a house. Pre-approval is a lender's actual commitment to … [Read more...]
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